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A Literature Review of Malaria Intervention in Zanzibar


Abdulrasul Ramji, Rene A, Garza T and Ory MG

Objectives: This review examines malaria control and treatment interventions in Zanzibar. This review seeks to identify current malaria prevention and control intervention strategies, to better understand cultural barriers to intervention, and to make recommendations on how malaria prevention and treatment activities might be adapted to address underlying cultural barriers that would otherwise impede intervention efforts. Methods: The review documents published data from 36 studies on the current malaria intervention activities in Zanzibar; and identifies whether extant literature includes attention to cultural barriers as part of the implementation and dissemination of interventions. Results: Quality data and information on health expenditures in Zanzibar is scarce and often out-of-date. The beliefs and cultural practices of patients are largely related to the success of malaria control programs. The most commonly described malaria prevention and treatment interventions in Zanzibar are indoor residual spraying, insecticide treated nets, sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, and Artemisinin based combination therapy. Controlling malaria requires a competent workforce. Lack of education and financial resources restrict program success. Conclusions: Integration of culture practices with malaria control strategies is the ideal solution to effectively reach communities.

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