
Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine

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A Note on the Calculation of Intrasubject Coefficient of Variation in Bioequivalence Trails


Mahmoud Abdel Mohsen

Bioequivalence studies are generally performed as crossover studies and, therefore, information in the Intrasubject Coef fi cient of Variation (CV) is needed for sample size planning. Recently, a confusing point was noticed in calculating the Intrasubject Coef fi cient of Variation (CV) in crossover studies under the additive model (i.e. under normality assumption and the multiplicative mode (i.e under logarithmic distribution). The aim of this paper is to clarify this confusion. Methods used in calculating the Intrasubject Coef fi cient of Variation (CV) are reviewed in this paper from a statistical point of view.

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