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Abdominal Actinomycosis: Case Report


Mateusz Biczysko*, Hanna Tomczak, Adam Bobkiewicz, Tomasz Banasiewicz and Lukasz Krokowicz

Actinomycosis is a bacterial infection with chronic or subacute nature that is caused by anaerobic bacteria of Actinomyces species. Originally, it was considered a disease of fungal etiology. As of today, it is known that it is a bacterial disease caused by microorganisms that naturally live in the oral cavity, the final section of gastrointestinal tract, and in the female reproductive system. Actinomyces reveal their virulence only in the case of mucosal membrane disruption. Infection spreads through continuity in surrounding tissue forming extensive abscesses and fistulas producing yellow colored granules. The most common localizations for lesions caused by Actinomyces are the cervicofacial region, rib cage, abdominal cavity, and pelvis in women.

The subject of this case is actinomycosis in a 35 years old patient. Typical symptoms presented by patients with this disease are: fever, change in bowel habits, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting symptoms that are not very specific. What is more, in the preoperative diagnostic process, or even during surgery, actinomycosis is often confused with acute inflammatory or tumor lesions. In most cases, the diagnosis is made only after surgery after examination of histopathological sample.

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