
Астрофизика и аэрокосмические технологии

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Aluminium and Lithium-Based New Alloys for the Aerospace Industry


Bruce Thomas

Aluminum lithium alloys (Al–Li) are gaining popularity for use in military applications and the aerospace industry due to the properties required by the presence of lithium, which provides a significant improvement in mechanical properties over conventional aluminum alloys. The departments of research and development are interested in making these alloys better, especially for the additive manufacturing process. As a result, the current focus is on the third generation of Al–Li because of its lower part quality than the first and second generations. This paper aims to provide an overview of the applications of Al–Li alloys, their carachetrization, precipitations, and the effects they have on mechanical properties and grain refinement. The various manufacturing procedures, approaches, and tests are then presented after thorough examination. This study also reviews the most recent Al–Li research conducted by scientists over the past few years on a variety of processes.

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