
Достижения в области робототехники и автоматизации

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Analysis of Data from Software Sensor for Smart Airbags Deployment


ElSayed A ElNashar and Zlatin Zlatev

The report represents the peculiarities of using intelligent airbags in cars. A review is made of the sensors used to activate the airbag system in terms of their advantages and disadvantages. Presented are software applications using the capabilities of the hardware of sensor devices in order to build a common signal. Based on a study of literature is developed a software sensor for airbag deployment depending on the object on passenger seat. The work of this sensor is studied in case of interrupted any of the input signals. The results show that by combining data from three hardware sensors is received error up to 5% in distinguish between the objects on the passenger seat of the car. The dropping of the signal in hardware sensors affects the accuracy of i dentifying the object on the passenger seat.

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