
Журнал СПИДа и клинических исследований

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Antenatal Diagnosis of HIV and Syphilis


Geeta Shakya

The diagnosis of 90% of people with HIV is the first target of United Nations UNAIDS 90:90:90 visions for 2020, to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Antenatal HIV testing is an important step forward in achieving this and the elimination of mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV, which is validated by world health organization. This is possible through universal antenatal screening for HIV and effective intervention. A screening tool, useable as a point-of-care (POC) test is essential for HIV testing in the antenatal clinics. We evaluated the performance of SD Bioline HIV/syphilis Duo rapid test kits in this regard, in Nepal and found it a good screening tool with added opportunity for simultaneous diagnosis of HIV and syphilis. Currently, as it is commercially available at affordable cost, screening of pregnant women for syphilis and HIV has become feasible with the potential to form an integral part of improving maternal and child health.

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