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Anthropometric and Somatotyping Study among the Female Kho-Kho Players of Pondicherry: A Comparative Analysis


Ajeet Jaiswal

Performance in different games is supposed to be related to better physical fitness. The purpose of this study was to find out anthropometric measurements, body composition and somatotyping differences among female Kho- Kho players and controls. 99 young female subjects (Kho-Kho players: N=49 and controls: N=49) of age group 18-24 years were randomly selected from the participant of South zone interuniversity Kho-Kho tournament for women, 2011-12, organized by Physical education and sports department, Pondicherry University, India. All the participants were assessed for height, weight, breadths, girths and skinfold thickness. The independent samples t-test revealed that Kho-Kho players had significantly higher height (p<0.05), as compared to controls. The Kho-Kho players were also found to have significantly greater lean body mass (p<0.01) and ectomorph component (p<0.05) as compared to controls. Controls had significantly greater percent body fat and total body fat (p<0.05) as compared to Kho-Kho players. The Kho-Kho players of this study were found to have higher percentage body fat with lower body height and body weight than their international counterparts. Further investigations are needed on above studied variables along with fitness and physiological variables to assess relationship among them and with performance in Kho-Kho. The findings of the present study might be useful in future investigation on player selection, talent identification in the game of Kho-Kho and its training programmed development.

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