Evasio Pasini, Roberto Aquilani, Gianni Corsetti and Francesco Saverio Dioguardi
Clinical studies show that malnutrition and protein metabolic impairment in industrialised countries, is present in about 45% of elderly hospitalised patients, particularly with chronic diseases. Impairment of protein metabolism causes significant loss of body proteins including muscular proteins with sarcopenia, cachexia, morbidity and increased hospital stay and mortality. In anticipation of more sophisticated genetic and/or molecular biomarkers, here we have presented a simple rationale for the use of repeatable biomarkers that could be performed routinely at the bed-side of chronic patients. This could help clinicians to early identify and monitor protein metabolism impairment. Identifying and treating protein metabolism related abnormalities before they become irreversible and dangerous, is indispensable for the success of any therapeutic schedule.
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