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Comparative Proteomic Study of Proteins in Prostate Cancer and Benign Hyperplasia Cells


Sergey Shishkin, Marina Kovaleva, Alexei Ivanov, Lidia Eryomina, Ksenia Lisitskaya, Ilia Toropygin, Leonid Kovalev, Valeria Okhritz and Oleg Loran

Comparative proteomic studies of proteins in DU-145, PC-3, LNCaP and BPH-1 cultivated cells as well as in prostate tissue samples obtained from patients with benign and malignant tumors showed differences in protein profiles, in particular, high content in tissue samples of four isoforms of transgelin and profilin-1. Increased expression of protein Dj-1 was observed in cancer cells and biopsy samples of prostate cancer as opposed to BPH-1 cells and biopsy samples of tissues with benign hyperplasia. Dramatic reduction of serpin H1 was noted in the range of cell lines: BPH-1 → PC-3 → DU-145 → LNCaP. Thus, the obtained data are indicative of protein Dj-1 and serpin H1 participation in formation of the cancer phenotype in prostate cells


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