Mohammed Tawsif Salam
This work devises a time- specific business model for Inc.�?¢�?�?��?Ÿs journey from being an e-commerce start-up to the early stages of its stardom as an online retail giant. For the purpose, constructs are teased out from a case by University of West Australia academic Gary J. Stockport that featured and organised the key events of Amazon�?¢�?�?��?Ÿs business between the timeline in question, 1995 and 2004 in this case. The constructs are then looked into with several analysis methods in order to finally generate the intended retrospective business model with the design of business model theorist Alex Osterwalder. The work also maintains a general awareness of Amazon�?¢�?�?��?Ÿs present business practices and position in order to facilitate the readers to have comparative strategic thinking.
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