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Disaster Prevention Measures for Building Safety Communities: Using the Collapse of the Weiguan Jinlong Residential Complex from the 0206 Tainan Earthquake as an Example


Yu-Tsun Liao and Shuh-Gi Chern

Residential buildings in communities are the fundamental spaces and environments for human dwelling. However, natural and human-made disasters can threaten the safety of these buildings, and thus communities. This study integrated the current concepts and practices of different types of communities into the concept of safety communities. In addition, it used the collapse of seven complex buildings. Weiguan Jinlong residential complex in Tainan, caused by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake on February 6, 2016 as an example to systematically examine and analyze the current concepts and practices of the aforementioned community types. In addition, by focusing on how natural environments are relevant to buildings in communities, this study proposed suggestions for the following policies and initiatives related to site planning: environmental measures on safety from geographic features, guidelines for national land use, architectural management for communities in cities, initiatives on national land conservation managed by specific institutions, and the Disaster Prevention and Response Act.

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