Habtamu Bedane*, AdisuTadese, Gudeta Genemo, Eshetu Mekonnen
A field experiment was conducted during the dry season of 2017/2018 at the Sibu Sire district East Wollega zone of Oromia Regional State to evaluate the impact of furrow dimensions on yield and water productivity of maize. Climatic, plant and soil factors were used for the calculation of monthly crop water and irrigation requirements and results compared with actual performance of the irrigation system. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three treatments replicated four times. The experimental treatments including Farmer practice or Furrow with top width of 21cm, bottom width of oi; 13cm and depth of 10cm without determined flow rate (T1), Furrow with top width of 25cm, bottom width of 14cm and depth of 15cm with determined flow rate (T2) and Furrow with top width of 18cm, bottom width of 8cm and depth of 12cm with determined flow rate (T3) having a plot size of 6m x 8m with spacing of 0.5m and 1m between plots and replications respectively.
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