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Enhancing Accounting Information Systems to Facilitate Supply Chain Management between Supermarkets/Suppliers: The Case of Saudi Arabia


Abunar SM and Zerban AM

Supply chain management is one of the most powerful determinants for creating competitive advantages for companies. In today competitive environment, companies strive to respond and offer its services faster to the market. The market of information technology is huge and expanding. Cloud computing is changing the way organization activities are performed including finance, accounting and supply chain management. The value of companies depends on events that occurred daily and the lag and gap in responding is increasingly making companies less effective. The application of information technology is prominent in the improvement of the supply chain. The main goal of supply chain activities is to satisfy customers’ demand, so that products are distributed with the lowest possible cost, highest quality and within the time deemed suitable for customers which is the recent challenge. The ability to produce quality information and accessing it will become crucial aspect in the new world. Technology will help to control business and companies will mange better their relation with stakeholders. We aim to explore the relationship between retailers and suppliers in Saudi Arabia Market and their sharing of information regarding stock levels to improve supply chain management. The integration of information in processing orders from supermarkets to suppliers is going to be investigated in order to improve supply chain management.

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