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Examining the Differential Effects of the Influence of Print and Electronic Advertising on Purchasing Decisions of Tertiary Students in the Cape Coast Metropolis


Dominic Owusu

Print and electronic advertising is being used by the various telecom operators in the country as a competitive tool to lure customers of competing brands and also promote their product offerings. The current study examines the differential effects of the influences of the print and electronic advertising media used by the various telecom operators in Ghana on the purchasing decisions of tertiary students in the Cape Coast Metropolis. Primary data were collected from a sample of 754 students of the University of Cape Coast and Cape Coast Polytechnic respectively out of a population of 17,218,through questionnaire administration. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as the mean, standard deviation and multiple regressions were used to analyse the data. The findings of the study showed that compared to print advertising media; electronic advertising media had a greater influence on the purchasing decisions of tertiary students in the Cape Coast Metropolis. It is concluded that electronic advertising media influences the decisions of the tertiary students to purchase telecom products more compared to print advertising media in the Cape Coast Metropolis. It is therefore recommended the budgetary expenditure of the telecom operators in Ghana should concentrate more on utilizing electronic advertising media.

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