
Журнал СПИДа и клинических исследований

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Health Related Quality of Life Assessment and Associated Factors Among People on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy at Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar, North West Ethiopia


Amare Alemu, Aemiro Yenealem, Amsalu Feleke and Solomon Meseret

Background: Antiretroviral therapy has reduced HIV/AIDS related mortality and more of people living with HIV/ AIDS alive longer. Hence, this study tried to assess the health related quality of life and associated factors among people on highly active antiretroviral therapy at Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital in Bahir Dar, North West Ethiopia.

Methods: Institutional based cross sectional study was conducted among 424 people on highly active antiretroviral therapy at Bahir Dar Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital, North West Ethiopia. Study participants were obtained with a systematic sampling and interviewed to respond for structured pre-tested questionnaires. Clinical variables of highly active antiretroviral therapy were collected from their hospital charts. Data were entered into EPI info version 3.5.1 and analyzed by using SPSS version 20 software for windows. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done.

Result: The proportion of respondents with low health related quality of life in all domains was 56.4%. Unemployment (AOR = 2.32 [95% CI = 1.49, 3.59]), poor adherence (AOR = 3.24 [95% CI = 1.02, 10.32]) and being ambulatory (AOR = 3.19 [95% CI = 1.36, 7.48]) were found to have statistically significant association with health related quality of life.

Conclusion: This study finding stress the need for enhanced support and a better environment for improving the health related quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS.

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