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On The Energy Absorption of Natural Woven Silk/Epoxy Composite Tube


Ude AU and Azhari CH

In this study the energy absorption response and load carrying capability of Bombyx mori (B. mori) natural silk fibre/Epoxy composite cylindrical tubes under an axial quasi-static compression was investigated. The composite tubes were prepared using mandrel assisted hand lay-up technique. The tube was fabricated using 24 layers of B. mori natural silk fibre, fully wetted with epoxy matrix. The tube was then cut into varied lengths of 50 mm, 80 mm, and 120 mm, respectively. Three specimens were tested in each category. The experimental results were analysed by measuring maximum peak load (Pmax), specific absorbed energy (SAE), and total energy absorption (TE) as a function of tube length. Findings show results being varied according to tube length in unpredictable manners. Failure fragmentation of the tubes was analysed from photographs obtained during the test using high resolution camera, which showed micro cracks induced by compression load as the predominant source of failure.

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