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Post-Traumatic Giant Frontal Sinus Mucopyocele: A Case Report


Nour Salman, Zangrando D, Sant Ana E, Chihara LL, Santos AG, Costa RR, Marchiori R

Paranasal sinus mucocele is a benign cystic lesion, of chronic nature, lined with mucosa and filled with mucous content. Obstruction of the frontonasal duct, where frontal sinus drainage occur, leads to mucocele formation, which grows slowly, expanding into the surrounding bony walls with subsequent bone destruction and resorption. Mucocele expansion tends to occur in the direction with the least resistance, thus frontal sinus mucocele has the tendency to expand inferiorly, eroding the superior orbital wall and causing inferior displacement of the globe with consequent ophthalmic symptoms such as: Diplopia, ptosis, proptosis, epiphora or amaurosis in cases of optic nerve compression by the mass effect of mucocele. This case report presents a 42-year-old male with 18 years giant post-traumatic frontal sinus mucocele with orbital involvement and extensive right eye proptosis, where conservative pharmacological treatment was unsuccessful and surgical treatment was favored with good post-operative evolution.

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