
Журнал гражданской и экологической инженерии

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Study the Properties of Water Mist Droplet by Using FDS


Mohamed Fayek AbdRabbo ,Ayoub Mostafa Ayoub ,Mohamed Aly Ibrahim ,Abdelsalam M. Sharaf eldin

Fire suppression systems are an extremely important part of every building that ensures the safety of the occupants and limits damage due to fire. Full scale model is set up for the purpose of predicting the geometry of fire spread and water mist particles distribution and movement. The results are based on full scale model simulation for several properties of water mist droplet. The water mist droplet speed, mist flux, droplet size and droplet distribution are discussed. It can be concluded that The water mist droplet movement, particle size and droplet distribution play a vital role to suppress fire.The present study is carried out using Fire dynamic simulator (FDS) to perform the model of room fire scenario require to investigate and compute particle distribution, droplet velocity, mist flux and droplet size.

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