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The Influence of Dimensions of Organisational Culture on the Management of Heritage Sites as Tourism Products in Zimbabwe


Mugunzva E

This study focused on the influence of culture on the management of heritage sites in Zimbabwe. The research was motivated by the fact that there was ineffective alignment and integration of heritage and cultural resources into mainstream tourism. The value and impact of heritage tourism has not been fully realised, particularly the economic potential of heritage and cultural tourism products. Therefore, using a qualitative research methodology this study sought to explore the extent to which culture affects performance in NMMZ’s effort to transform heritage sites into vibrant tourism products. The objectives of the research were to examine Zimbabwe’s heritage, its meaning and relevance in tourism and to explore the potential of heritage sites in Zimbabwe as ‘world class’ tourist destinations. The other objectives were to examine the influence of ownership and profit orientation on services provided at heritage sites in Zimbabwe and to assess the influence of profit orientation on marketing of heritage sites as tourism products. The study also sought to review the management of heritage sites in other countries and draw lessons for Zimbabwe, to examine the gaps in the management of heritage sites in Zimbabwe and to propose strategies for packaging heritage sites in Zimbabwe as tourism products. This study showed that NMMZ is facing challenges in the marketing of heritage sites. There is also the issue of financial inadequacy as the SOE is failing to provide the required services at the sites. The research recommended that there is need to change the organisational culture, the NMMZ should embrace the diversity and corporate governance to improve the services. The paper also recommended the need to improve marketing strategies; the NMMZ should establish a marketing department. Private Public Partnerships and strategic alliances are crucial and these are the financing mechanisms that can be adopted to address problems of inadequate resources.

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