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Tumor Therapy with Amanita phalloides (Death Cap):Long Term Stabilization of Prostate Cancers


Isolde Riede

Molecular events that cause tumor formation up regulate a number of HOX genes, called switch genes, coding for RNA polymerase II transcription factors. Thus, in tumor cells RNA polymerase II is more active than in other somatic cells. Amanita phalloides contains Amanitin, inhibiting RNA polymerase II. Partial inhibition with Amanitin influences tumor cell - but not normal cell - activity.
Objectives: To enlarge treatment spectrum, dilutions of Amanita phalloides, are applied to prostate cancer patients. Monitoring prostate specific antigen, different doses of Amanitin are used.
Results: Within a period of up to five years, prostate specific antigen values can be stabilized. Somatic investigations and imaging methods reveal remission in all three cases. No prostate cancer associated symptoms, nor liver damage occur. When pausing the therapy, PSA levels always increase, even after five years.
Conclusion: This new principle of tumor therapy shows high potential to provide a smooth medical treatment. Treatment should exceed the period of five years.

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