
Международный журнал нейрореабилитации

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Update on the Use of Loco Motor Training in the Neurorehabilitation of Small Animals


Oscar Albert

Neurological conditions in small animals, such as dogs and cats, can be diverse and debilitating. These conditions often include spinal cord injuries resulting from trauma, Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), degenerative myelopathy, stroke and congenital malformations. These disorders can lead to various degrees of motor impairment, ranging from mild gait abnormalities to complete paralysis. Neurorehabilitation aims to improve neurological function, enhance quality of life and potentially restore mobility through structured therapeutic interventions. The concept of locomotor training in small animals draws heavily from human medicine, where it has proven beneficial in promoting neural plasticity and functional recovery in individuals with spinal cord injuries and other neurological disorders. In veterinary medicine, the adaptation and refinement of locomotor training protocols have been transformative, offering new hope for animals previously deemed untreatable.

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