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Объем 7, Проблема 3 (2017)

исследовательская статья

Development of a Statistical Model for Predicting the Dimensional Stability of Socks during Wet Processing

Khan A, Ahmad S, Amjad A, Khan IA and Ibraheem W

One of the most important problems in socks manufacturing industry is change in size that affects the dimensions of final product. This dimension instability arises mainly due to the strains in the fabric getting relaxed during any wet treatment. Change in dimension play a vital role in achieving the required specifications of a sock. This dimensional change may be in a positive (growth) or negative (shrinkage) direction for fabric length and width. In this research article a statistical model is developed showing the effect of loop length, count and construction of cotton socks on its dimensional stability during wet processing. Carded cotton socks with different counts (16/1 Ne and 20/1 Ne) and loop lengths (0.30 cm and 0.40 cm) were developed. All the developed samples were subject to reactive dyeing, washing and boarding. The dimensional stability was calculated and analyzed by main effects plot.

исследовательская статья

Tencel Process Optimization in Conventional Cotton Processing Machineries and a Quality Comparison with Similar Cotton Yarn Count

Hasan NB, Begum AR, Islam A and Parvez M

Tencel a regenerated fiber manufactured from cellulose derivatives, is getting popularity nowadays due to its biodegradability and environment amenity depending on the less land and water consumption relative to organic and conventional cotton. Spinning process optimization of tencel is performed and reviewed in this article in comparison with conventional cotton process. Wider setting with low production speed is observed for tencel processing with superior yarn quality. Quality parameter of different yarn count evaluated and compared. Mass uniformity and its cv is significantly higher in tencel yarn; breaking strength is 50% greater in tencel along with breaking elongation; tencel yarn possess more twist (>15%) while twist cv is slightly lower; yarn cuts in autoconer machine is lower in tencel yarn.

исследовательская статья

Aloe Vera Leaf Gel Extract for Antibacterial and Softness Properties of Cotton

Ibrahim W, Sarwar Z, Abid S, Munir U and Azeem A

Natural plants extract for antimicrobial of textile finishing is a vital and potential area of current and future aspects therefore has greater market value. Cotton has long been recognized as media to support the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Among all the natural antimicrobial agents the plant products comprise the major segment. The objective of this work was to investigate the antibacterial properties of Aloe Vera leaf gel extract on cotton, also its effects on the performance parameters of fabric. Softness properties were also imparted on the fabric as it is the inherit property of Aloe Vera leaf gel. Best antimicrobial properties were achieved by pad dry method with high concentrations as compared to coating method. The softness of pad-dry samples was prominent against coated fabric. Whiteness Index decreased less in pad-dry as compared to coated samples.

исследовательская статья

Impact of Child Labour on the Nutritional Level and Developmental 9-12 Years

Agarwal S

This study is conducted with the objective of depicting the relationship between child labour and childhood development. This paper addresses only behavioural, mental, physical development and nutritional problems related to child labour. The study is done on children between 9 and 12 years of age, and children below this age had difficulty in understanding the concepts of the survey questionnaires. Childhood is the critical time for safe and healthy human development. This finding leads strong support to the statement, that poverty is the root cause of child labour. Child labourers are at a high risk of illness and injury, cause due to severe emotional distress, had symptoms of withdrawal and regression, and were prematurely ageing, as well as experiencing depression and low self-esteem. Most of these children are observed to have sleep problems; behavioural problems, heavy consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, infection with sexually transmitted diseases; some criminal activities, unwanted pregnancy and abortion, physical and emotional illness, severe nutritional deficiency and even death due to a wide variety of machinery, biological, physical, chemical, ergonomic and psychosocial hazards as well as from long hours of work and poor living conditions.

исследовательская статья

Smart Digital Thickness Test Method® For Knitting Clothes

Elnashar AE

The present invention relates to fabric testing apparatus. In November 2011 the 1st electronic version of a digital thickness test method apparatus tutorial of thickness test method for velvets and knitting fabrics was released in the Kaferelsheikh University, Egypt. Functioning in a multitask mode of pressure. Its contents corresponds to the discipline "calculation and designing of the machines in light Industry”, for fabrics to measure their thickness, with specific of force collaboration on velvets and knitting fabrics, were developed for 3D loops " weft" and harness on thickness, quantification of digital clothes, and using of them in many different applications such as simulation digital® in textiles and apparel industry.

исследовательская статья

Analysis of the Influence of Geometric Characteristics of the Saw and the Gasket of Saw Gin on the Life of Saw at Different Distances between the Saw

Mamamtovich AS

In our work we consider the geometric characteristics of the saw and gasket of saw gin as well as define acceptable normal load for saw gin at different distances between the saw. To determine the deformation saws which is under a compressive force it is necessary to determine force of normal stress σÑ� that creates cross sectional saws in which stress is uniformly distributed. Stability and strength of saws are characterized. If the normal stress is not evenly distributed in the cross section of the saws there is a complex deformation (torsion, bending, and other complex deformations). In such cases, the strength and stability of saws are determined not only by its size but also on other complex geometrical characteristics with cross-section of saws and gasket. We conducted research about saw and gasket at different distances between the saw. Determined the optimal parameters between the saw distances, using the geometric characteristics in order to ensure the sustainability of saws at work in dynamic loads. Using these indicators, we can simulate the best option of working parts of gin and increase the life of saws twice

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