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Объем 9, Проблема 3 (2020)


Covid-19 Testing

Anusha Swarna

Stem cells are undifferentiated, or “blank,” cells. This means they’re capable of developing into cells that serve numerous functions in several parts of the body. Most cells in the body are differentiated cells. These cells can only serve a selected purpose during a particular organ. For example, red blood cells are specifically designed to hold oxygen through the blood.


Stem Cell Study

Anusha Swarna

Stem cells are undifferentiated, or “blank,” cells. This means they’re capable of developing into cells that serve numerous functions in several parts of the body. Most cells in the body are differentiated cells. These cells can only serve a selected purpose during a particular organ. For example, red blood cells are specifically designed to hold oxygen through the blood.
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Biomarkers and their Role in Healthcare System

Anusha Swarna

Biological markers are the measures of a specific biological state. By definition, a biomarker is "a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention."

Biomarker discovery may be a medical term describing the method by which biomarkers are discovered. Currently available biomarkers, like those wont to diagnose myocardial infarct (e.g., cardiac troponins), were identified within the course of targeted physiologic studies. Similarly, basic investigation of diseases has largely been characterized by studies of isolated molecules in cellular systems

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Vishakha Shewale

There are two different ways that a cell can die on: rot and apoptosis. Rot happens when a cell is harmed by an outside power, for example, poison, a real physical issue, a contamination or getting cut off from the blood flexibly (which may happen during a respiratory failure or stroke). At the point when cells bite the dust from contamination, it's a somewhat untidy undertaking. The death causes irritation that can create additional trouble or injury inside the body.

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Development of Esophageal Carcinoma by Targeting Specific Genes

Linsong Wang

As one of the common malignant tumors in the world, the esophageal carcinoma can be grouped in two categories based on its pathological features, i.e. esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinoma.

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