
Международный журнал общественного здравоохранения и безопасности

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Advancing Ovarian Cancer Prevention: Tracing Precursor Lesions to Population Initiatives


Sizuka Hughs*

This study delves into the imperative realm of ovarian cancer prevention by meticulously tracing precursor lesions and exploring innovative population initiatives. The research aims to unravel key strategies that bridge the gap between early identification and broader preventive programs. Through a comprehensive analysis, we strive to contribute essential insights to the on-going discourse on ovarian cancer prevention. Effective prevention programs are also needed due to the lack of traditional screening options. An emerging primary prevention strategy is opportunistic salpingectomy, which involves removing fallopian tubes during another planned pelvic surgery. Opportunistic salpingectomy offers a safe and costeffective preventative option that is gaining global adoption.

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