
Журнал нефрологии и терапии

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Concept and Potential of Enteric Dialysis® - Treating the Cause of Dysbiosis and not the Symptoms in Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD)


Natarajan Ranganathan*

The primary goal of this invited commentary is to update recent scientific progress, understanding, knowledge gained and also several clinical advances made since the very first review that was published from our commercial efforts in the year 2012 (Title: Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics: Gut and Beyond in Gastroenterology Research and Practice). The use of probiotics and prebiotics is generally well recognized towards digestive, gut and immune health. However, Kibow Biotech is a R&D Biotech company involved in novel and niche application of probiotics and prebiotics as a dietary supplement in stabilization of Gut Microbiome towards Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

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