Paul R and Majumder D
Physiological system is dynamic and has a multi-factorial influence; hence, nonlinear and complex in nature. Due to limitation in data capturing in discreet time points, the general trend is that majority of physiological researches are approached with linearity; and hence problems of complexity are solved in an empirical manner. However, in recent time there is an increasing trend to understand the physiological system in a quantitative manner across the globe. Due to unavailability of costly software, students are unexposed to this global trend. In physical system complexity was first addressed by Edward Lorenz in 1963, which is now known as Lorenz equation. Here we depict the simple computational approach to represent such complexity of the Lorenz equation through some freely available open source software’s, so that students by themselves can appreciate the importance of quantification in an understanding of the complex behaviour of a nonlinear dynamical system.
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