
Журнал электрических и электронных систем

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Effective Harness of Wind Energy Turbines


Ahmed Abdolkhalig, Qing Fang and Ashraf Mohamed

There are many types of renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, water and more. Electrical Energy produced by wind resource is considered the most common of renewable energy productions in many countries. As of 2015, at least 83 countries around the world are using energy that comes from wind to supply their electric grids. In 2014, global wind energy capacity expanded 16%. Yearly, wind energy production is growing rapidly and has reached around 4% of worldwide electric energy usage, 11.4% in the EU. This paper investigates the effective harnessing of electrical energy from wind energy resources and discusses various opportunities and challenges including cost effectiveness. It also investigates the impact of wind energy to industrial area and human being.

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