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Implementation of Control Chart for Statistical Process Control Considering Temperature and Humidity Effect in Synthetic Staple Fiber Industry


Abu Md. Saifuddoha and Islam MS

The purpose of this paper is to identify various fluctuations of temperature and humidity effecting synthetic staple fibers quality such as strength and tenacity as a final finished product and address these fluctuations effect through implementation of control chart for establishing statistical process control over synthetic fiber production process. Critical observations and test results are analyzed to show that temperature and humidity effect over synthetic staple fiber quality such as strength and tenacity. Establishing statistical process control in the synthetic staple fiber processing sector is one key to improving the quality of synthetic staple fiber sector considering temperature and humidity effect. The resultant variations and fluctuations are addressed through categorizing various kinds of fiber by implementing control chart. The paper addresses the fluctuations and variations of synthetic fiber quality such as strength and tenacity due to temperature and humidity effect in the production processing of synthetic fiber industry, using control chart as an approach to solve these variations which was hardly attempted before. Strength and tenacity individually prioritized to reduce fluctuations into the entire production process system.

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