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Using Hydrogen Peroxide to Enhance the Microbiological Stability of Ice Produced in Industrial Food Facilities


Taylor Andrea

The microbiological safety of ice is critical in industrial food facilities where it serves various purposes, including food preservation and beverage service. However, conventional methods of ice production often fall short in controlling microbial contamination, posing risks of foodborne illnesses. This paper explores the use of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) as a novel approach to improve the microbiological stability of ice in industrial food settings. Through various concentrations and application methods of hydrogen peroxide, significant reductions in microbial contamination, including bacteria and fungi, were observed in ice samples. Furthermore, sensory evaluations revealed no adverse effects on ice quality or taste perception post-treatment. This study underscores the potential of hydrogen peroxide as an effective and safe method for enhancing the microbiological safety of ice in industrial food facilities, thereby advancing food safety standards and reducing the risk of foodborne pathogens transmission.

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