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Making Filipino Taekwondo Athletes Internationally Competitive: An International Comparison of Anthropometric and Physiologic Characteristics


Janine Margarita R. Dizon and Karen Grimmer-Somers

Recent focus has been on combat sports and one of which is taekwondo. Whilst the literature reports on several researches done among taekwondo athletes, nothing has been done to make practical comparisons of anthropometric and physiologic measures. This paper reports on research, which had the objectives of: 1. Establishing both an anthropometric and physiologic profile of elite Filipino taekwondo athletes and 2. Comparing the elite Filipino athletes’ anthropometric and physiologic characteristics with published information on other elite athletes and provides useful information regarding components needed to be improved to enhance athletic performance. Anthropometric and physiologic testing procedures were conducted to elite Filipino taekwondo athletes. A total of twenty Filipino athletes were assessed in this study. The results of these tests were compared with the data obtained from the identified international studies through a systematic search of the literature process. Outcomes available for comparison were extracted from each study. Five studies were obtained for comparison. The Filipino athletes were similar to other international elite athletes in most anthropometric measures. In the physiologic tests, it is worthy to note that the Filipino athletes, both male and female, had significantly better leg power test scores compared with their international counterparts; however, the female Filipino athletes scored less in flexibility and one minute sit up tests. The findings presented in this paper should be considered so that a greater scientific approach can be taken when designing athlete-specific, as well as team-specific training programs. Training programs that address the current physiological shortfalls should lead to improvements in national and international competition.

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