Izah Mohd Tahir
This paper seeks the suitability of project management methods in bungalow house construction project in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. The data are collected through interviews. There are a total of 24 respondents interviewed, all of whom were home builders (contractors) from several locations in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. The data collected were based on the premise of the implementation of project management methods of construction of bungalow house project. The findings from the study revealed that close monitoring by responsible parties would result in successful solution to the existing problems in construction industry. Furthermore, it is believed that the current management issues at site could have been minimised or resolved should the home builders adapt to the proper project management methods of construction. The studies further suggested that government plays a vital role in assisting home builders, especially the inexperienced or the newcomers. The government, through various agencies especially the Construction Industrial Development Board (CIDB) could assist the builders to establish their footing in the industry. These agencies should make available programs that act as a platform to impart the knowledge and skills to the home builders. Further, the government could enforce a new policy that make it compulsory for the would-be home builders to enrol in a specially-designed project management training before embarking in the construction business. These moves could help boost up the growth of the construction industry, particularly in the development of bungalow houses in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
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