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Intracellular Reverse Transcription of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine In-vitro in Human Cell


Luisetto Mauro Maurol, Naseer Almukthar, Tarro Giulio, Gamal Abdul Hamid, Farhan Ahmad Khan, Edbey K, Mashori Gulam Rasool, Nili Behzad, Fiazza C, Cabianca L, Ilnaf Ilman, Yesvi A. Rafa and Oleg Yurevich

The in vitro profile of action of some mRNA COVID vaccine not only to Produce translate for the production of the Spike protein but also the intracellular reverse transcription in some human cells. In this study it was verified effect on different times: at 6- 24- 48 hours and the results are clear. Related to these aspects it is needed to be verified during the time 3-6- 12 -24 hours and more time month what happen. This can be useful to complete the profile of security for spike protein molecules production inducers related to this aspect.

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