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7-й Международный конгресс по инфекционным болезням

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

The family concept for management of STDs in communities of Ugandan homesteads

  • Kiyemba Ronald

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

Increased STI/UTI prevalence rates in Uganda

  • Kiyemba Ronald

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

Control and prevention of dengue (Aedes aegypti) and malarial (Anopheles stephensi) vectors

  • Imran Ahmed, Shabab Nasir, Farhat Jabeen and Faisal Hafeez

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

Prevalence of hepatitis A, B, C and D infections among Bulgarian prison inmates

  • Georgi Popov and Radina Andonova

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

Evaluation of the potency of some antibiotic formulations in the Egyptian market

  • Afaf Sobhi Eladl

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

Impact of antibiotics in treatment of oral health and our society

  • Farrah Bilal, Roomana Afrooz and Mishal Bilal

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

An inbuilt real-time check for mask fit and respirator protection for healthcare workers and emergency responders

  • C Orapinpatipat, J Imms, A Birrell and A Virr

Тезисы добавленной стоимости

The first identification of tula hantavirus in Iran

  • Aude Lalis

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